GopherAcademy Blog

Community Contributed Articles and Tutorials on Go

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Promoting the Quality and Collaboration of Your Open Source Project

So your open source project is on GitHub. It has tests, an awesome logo, probably a few stars, and maybe even a few other contributors.

Testing distributed systems in Go

What is etcd etcd is a key-value store for the most critical data of distributed systems. Use cases include applications running on Container Linux by CoreOS, which enables automatic Linux kernel updates.

A little bit of Machine Learning: Playing with Google's Prediction API

Before we get started, let’s begin by making clear that this isn’t going to be a deep dive on TensorFlow, neural networks, inductive logic, Bayesian networks, genetic algorithms or any other sub-heading from the Machine Learning Wikipedia article.

Writing an API Client in Go

Let’s say you need to write a client that talks to a third party API, like the AWS API, or the Twilio API. Go gives you a lot of tools that can help you write a really good client, but you have to know how to take advantage of them!

Predicting genetic diseases with CloudForest

CloudForest is a machine learning project dedicated to the construction of Random Forests built entirely in Go. It was created by Ryan Bressler. Random Forests are a machine learning algorithm based around the construction of many single classification trees, each splitting both the training set and the features available to train the model randomly.

Teaching Go to complete beginners

TL;DR How about arranging a GoBridge workshop for beginners as your New Year’s resolution? Teach Go to complete beginners Being a good Go programmer is definitely good.